The Magpies boss felt he had the right to blast Rafa for not caring about the Premiership as much as he does Europe. Big Sam added: "Rafa would be very lucky to be in a job if he hadn't got to two Champions League finals, because they have had some very, very poor finishes in the Premier League." Third place is a poor finish? Interesting. I won't bother looking to see where his Bolton sides finished over the last three years, but I don't ever remember them even making the Champions League.
He also gave us this gem: "Being a foreigner, Rafa doesn't understand it's supposed to be Premier League first and Champions League second." The last time an English manager won the league was 1992 when Howard Wilkinson won it with Leeds. That was before it was called the Premiership, by the way.
Anyhow, Rafa has responded by reiterating my initial reaction to Allardyce's rant, saying "I think he should be more worried about his own business because he must have more problems than to waste time talking about other managers."
Then he goes on to hint that Big Sam must not have a very good memory and reminds the Newcastle manager that we've won the Super Cup, FA Cup and Champions League as well as reachied another Champions League final, a Carling Cup final and twice finishing third in the Premier League during the Spaniard's reign. My question is, where's your silverware, Big Sam?